World Class Painting System

TECHExpert Engineering Pvt Ltd

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About Us

TECHExpert India

TECHExpert Engineering (TECHExpert India) embarked on a journey in the manufacturing industry for Surface Coating Plants and Equipment. In less than a span of two decades.
We have grown into offering end-to-end solutions in the field of Surface Coatings, beginning with consultancy, designing, engineering, and commissioning of tailor-made systems for powder coating, liquid paint coating, and Metal pre-treatment, on a turnkey basis, for a wide range of utilization necessities of finish coating for industrial and customer products.

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GBN TECHExpert Nano Coating Surface Pvt. Ltd.

Nano Technology

GBN TECHExpert Nano Coating Surface Pvt Ltd, a Indo-German joint venture company of GBneuhaus GmbH , Germany and TECHExpert Engineeeing, Pune to design, develop, manufacture, sell, and service specialty nanocoatings based on nanotechnology for various surfaces such as metals, plastics and Glass materials. As specialists in innovative coating solutions, our joint portfolio covers a wide range of functional coating systems for applications in hospitals, the medical sector, washrooms, the building & construction industry, airports, hotels, public transportation, offices, and homes. Our joint venture offers unique functional coatings including SANPUREÂŽī¸ Antimicrobial nano coating, Anti-scratch nano coating, Anti-static nano coating, Hydrophilic nano coating (Antifog coating) Hydrophobic nano coating (Easy to clean coating) UV Block nano coating, and Infrared Reflex nano coating to meet every possible requirement.
Industries We Serve
Our Successful Story​
Completed Projects
Years Of Experience
99 %
Client Statisfaction
Industries We Serve
High - Performance Application​



Agriculture Equipment

Heavy Duty Truck

Manufacturing & Industrial

Marine &


Wood Finishing

Our Experts

Meet Our Experts​

JV Ingale

Managing Director,
TECHExpert Engineering Pvt. ltd.

Michael Petry

Managing Director,
GB neuhaus GmbH, Germany
TECHExpert | Spray paint booths

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World Class Painting System

Our complete range of Surface Coating Solutions includes mainly manual and automatic painting systems (conveyor and robotics), automatic and manual powder coating systems, spray or dip surface treatment plants, dry paint spray booths, CED coating plants, and standard paint booths (wet and dry types).

We also deal in nano-coating technology. We cater to all industrial and consumer goods applications, delivering finished coatings that meet specific requirements.

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25 Years Of Excellence.