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World Class Painting System

Our Services

Planing and development

The initial selection of the appropriate facility components for the respective application scenario is often difficult for the facility operator because of the variety of options. Please contact us; we are glad to advise you – also at your location and, of course, free of charge.After the type of facility has been determined, the required throughput and the local space availability etc. are known, we will develop a layout custom-tailored your situation and present a proposal to you.
Using the latest software and hardware and based on many years of experience with surface technology, our engineers and technicians are able to meet your challenges, both economically and ecologically. A timely production start and economic facility operation includes solutions for interface problems, negotiations with paint and chemistry suppliers as well as the development of milestone plans and media demand analyses.
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We offer total solutions in the field of surface coatings, from consultancy, designing, engineering, and commissioning of tailor-made systems for powder coating, liquid paint coating, and metal pretreatment for all types of applications requirement of finished coating for industrial and consumer goods.

World Class Painting System

Our complete range of Surface Coating Solutions includes mainly manual and automatic painting systems (conveyor and robotics), automatic and manual powder coating systems, spray or dip surface treatment plants, dry paint spray booths, CED coating plants, and standard paint booths (wet and dry types).

We also deal in nano-coating technology. We cater to all industrial and consumer goods applications, delivering finished coatings that meet specific requirements.

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